Monday, March 23, 2009

Is the USA a Giant Ponzi Scheme?

The Fake Reserve Bank and its little sister, the US Treasury have issued, promised, loaned, guaranteed Trillions of dollars. The Fake is now openly "monetizing the debt" by buying Trillions of dollars of Treasury notes and bonds with money it creates out of thin air!

China recently, and before the latese monetization by the Fake said it was starting to worry about buying more Tresuries because the joint was being flooded with them. If China stops buying our debt or god forbid starts selling the more than $1 Trillion it already owns, the wheels will come off the US economy.

In fact, the only way China and anyone in fact that buys Treasuries can ever get paid is if new people buy More treasuries. Bernie Madoff should be released from prison immediately and made Chairman of the Fake Reserve Bank. At least then it would be obvious who we are dealing with!

Just as poor Bernie found out, a ponzi scheme is self limiting. At some point in time it is impossible to continue. At some point in time, it will be mathmatically impossible to find enough money in the world to continue the scheme.

I would like my friend Chris Martenson, a PhD who has done some remarkable research on the Fed and its control of our country, to explain why this is. Watch this video and then watch the other parts of this amazing free course. It will open your eyes and blow you away!

Please leave your comments, pro and con, I welcome them. I also ask you to follow me on Twitter as I delve deeper and deeper into the truth behind the European Banker cartel that actually owns and controls the USA and enslaves all of us! Thank You!

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