Sunday, February 15, 2009

Congressman Chas Linbergh on Fed Creation of "Business Cycles"

Cong Chas Linbergh, (R-MN), father of the famous pilot, on “Business Cycles are Not Natural!”

To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board has to do is to lower interest rates producing an increase in credit and rising asset prices. (Bubble, anyone?)

Then when businessmen are adjusted to the new economy, the Fed tightens interest rates, choking off prosperity in mid career.

It can cause mild swings in the economy (recessions) by making small adjustments in the interest rates or produce wild pendulum like swings (depressions) by making larger increases and decreases in the interest rate.

This is the strangest most dangerous power ever given to any special privileged class by any government ever.

The Federal Reserve Bank is private, conducts its business for the sole purpose of obtaining the most profits from the use of other people’s money.

They know in advance when they will create a panic and can profit greatly from that information. Inflation or deflation work equally well for them since they control the economy.
We will continue to be victimized by the Fed until we take back the power to issue and control our own money. So far, Cong Ron Paul is the only lawmaker courageous enough to call for this. Spread the word so that more people become aware that Greedy, Murderous International Bankers are victimizing the American people and demand an end to it!


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