Sunday, June 7, 2009

The American ha ha Dream!

The Joke is on Us, even millionaires do not know the truth.

At White and Case, the 107 year old top NY law firm, the managing partner, Mr Hugh Verrier, announced that 200 more lawyers would lose their jobs, nearly 1 in 10 at the firm over all — and not just young associates with everything in front of them, but some million-dollar-a-year ones like himself, the ones with twin mortgages, kids in private school and no Plan B.

In other words, these lawyers, (millionaire wage slaves) were living the American(Banker's) Dream, not realizing the it was all dangling by a paycheck, most of which was being siphoned off by the Bankers. They were Renting their lifestyle. Watch what happens when they can no longer make the rent payments!

Whether you are making $800/mo or $80,000/mo, if you do not understand you are being enslaved by the Bankers, and what you must do to fight back and win, you will never get ahead financially.

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