Despite Fed Chairman Bernanke's lie before Congress last week, AIG is a zombie institution. It is only alive because of the life support, 4, Huge infusions of Billions in taxpayer funds. It cannot exist on its own without government help.
This is the firm that single handedly issued enough fraudulent insurance on securities across the world that the world's financial markets would collapse if the insurance claims were not paid. We, the taxpayers are now making good on AIG's fraud!
Now, are you ready for this? It turns out that AIG is going to give Bonuses, over $161 Billion of our money to the top executives of the AIG unit that wrote the fraudulent securities!
And some Pea Brains are complaining about the possibility of some unworthy home owners getting relief under the Presidents Home Owner Bailout! Open your Goddamn Eyes!
The rules of the game are now Startlingly clear. They are taking literally the Wall St saying that the Banks are too big to fail and the taxpayer is too little to Bail!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I come from the mean streets of Bedford Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, NY.
There we always treated each other equally. If someone came after you with a knife, you defended yourself with a knife. If a gun, you used a gun and so on.
The banks, unfettered by the effete Federal Government; and I am being charitable, are trying, with boldness, arrogance and unfettered greed to take every single penny they can from us. That in my view constitutes an attack on me and my family!
We must defend ourselves, equity and justice demands that.
What I am recommending here and to all of my clients is that they should do everything in their power to put themselves and the welfare of their families first.
We are currently in a Deflation, heading into a the 2nd Great Depression, I believe.
In a Deflation, which few of the Experts seem to be aware we are in, and god help us the know nothings among the public and Congress that are calling for a Reduction in spending which is exactly opposite to what needs to be done to break out of a deflation; the only thing going up is the value of our debts.
As the money drains from the economy, strangling demand, the very definition of deflation; asset prices fall across the board as they are now as do dividends and wages. The only thing that does not go down is the debt.
Look at it this way. If you were making $50,000 year and you owed $10,000, that is 20% of your income. If your income is cut, say you have to take a new job at a greatly reduced salary, the amount of your debt stays the same. But now it has grown to represent 40% of your income therefore sucking up the much lager percentage of your income.
To save yourself and your family, get out of as much debt as possible before it depletes all the remaining resources you have; your retirement funds, your children's educational funds, the money you are saving for a down payment on a house, etc.
If that means stop paying and defaulting on bank debts, credit cards, etc. then do it! Go bankrupt if at all possible to wipe the debts out. Fuck the banks!
I know, I know, what about the integrity of this approach? Remember, fight knives with knives, guns with guns? You are fighting against godless criminals who are out to rob you!
What about your credit score you ask? Well, you can either be the one with the highest credit score among the other "responsible citizens" living under the viaduct, or you can be among the few who come out on top on the other side of the depression by investing their cash in precious metals, gold and silver, the only form of money that goes up in chaotic financial times.
This will be the only way to survive the inevitable devaluation of the dollar which will be required to get us out of this Depression, just like it helped get us out of the last; but this time, instead of gold going from $20oz to $35oz, you will probably see it go from $1,000oz to $10,000oz!
I believe silver will be an even better investment for many reasons. If you would like to read more, go to
In any event, that gold or silver will either be in your pocket or the bank's, the choice is yours!
You are invited to read this entire blog to get a better understanding of the very real dangers that what we, the citizens are facing from the banks and their compliant handmaidens the politicians.
The bonuses will be paid to executives at A.I.G.’s financial products division, the unit that wrote trillions of dollars’ worth of credit-default swaps that protected investors from defaults on bonds backed in many cases by subprime mortgages.
There is something very peculiar afoot in this world and I am not sure that there is anyone on earth to whom we can turn to get understanding. We even had a rather disturbing sermon offered up in our church today that suggested that our loyalty is to be directed towards our government. Of course, the preacher gave Biblical support for the position he took, but it was clear that he suggested something that I regard as sinister, calculated, and ominous.
I think that fundamentalist Christians constitute the largest body of opposition to the drumbeat march toward socialism, so preachers are being trained to help with their re-education, and the worm is beginning to turn. I just don't see an orderly end to this global problem.
The chaos that government intervention is causing is not going unnoticed. Thieves get rewarded and liars get bonuses. Everyone else just gets unemployment checks. I have a real problem supporting a system that rewards bad behavior.
Who said crime doesn't pay?
great article, in spite of the smattering of profanity...
SMH, my thankfulness for your comments are truly heartfelt. I appologize if you were offended by the profanity, but I believe in talking the same lanquage as my adversaries, even though their profanities are financial and not verbal.
Although I get the feeling that we may not agree on too many other issues, I really applaud your being able to set aside any other differences we may have to clearly focus on the greatest threat to our country since the Bank of England declared war on us in 1812 in an attempt to reverse the result of our war for independence. I hear you searching to make sense of this economic madness and the curious reaction of our government, which is rewarding the evil dooers and refusing to punish anyone. You are rightfully concerned about your preacher telling you to remain loyal to the government. The problem is that the government and Every other institution or person in this country, including the churches, that rely on money, are under the influence if not outright control of the Pig European Bankers who own or control most of the Central Banks of the world, inclding our own Federal Reserve bank, which is as Federal as Federal Express! It is privately owned and is NOT a part of the Federal Government! I believe you are searching for the truth and are ready to hear it. Please watch this video, it is long, 3+ hours and it will scare and depress you, but hopefully it will also motivate you to take action to fight to help get our country back from these blood sucking bankers. Spread the word among like minded people as I and others are trying to do. Please do not hesitate to contact me, I have plenty more info where that came from. You can reach me at
Thank you, Brother!
Here is another AIG punch in the gut for you. Not only are they paying bonuses with the money they got from the bailout, they are also sending quite a bit of it offshore. I guess they are expecting to create order out of chaos, but something tells me that the Phoenix won't be rising from these ashes.
We shall see...
The American International Group on Sunday released the names of financial institutions that benefited last fall when the Federal Reserve saved it from collapse with an $85 billion rescue loan and then 3 subsequent bailouts.
As the mortgages underlying the credit default swap agreements decayed, A.I.G. was required to post collateral to its counterparties. By September, the firm warned that it would run out of money, prompting the government to swoop in with its initial $85 billion loan. That money was used to post collateral to counterparties, including France’s Société Générale, Germany’s Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs.
All told, the posting of collateral for the swap agreements cost $22.4 billion, A.I.G. said. The money was paid to the counterparties between Sept. 16 and Dec. 31.
Thanks again for your valuable contributions to this dialogue. This article just reinforces the global nature of the dilemma. Yes, we are bailing out foreign companies with our tax money too. AIG forced us too. This is similar to what happened during the first Fed induced great Depression when we had to bail out the Fed from their failed foreign investments. We shipped our nearly all the goal from Ft Knox to cover their failed bets! Read your history, arm yourself with the facts.
Again, I implore you and anyone wanting to know the truth about how a bunch of European Bankers took control of America, watch this film and read this blog to get more information concerning the truth behind the Fed.
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